Glorious Everlasting God, let the rain of miracles fall on my family, friends and loved ones today, in Jesus Name
Read MoreGlorious Everlasting God, let the rain of miracles fall on my family, friends and loved ones today, in Jesus Name
Read MoreFather, shut the eyes and heart of the wicked away from the source of my strength and prosperity, in the Name of Jesus
Read MoreFather, I look up to you to bring an end to this suffering, this pain, this loneliness, this struggling and this mocking, in Jesus Name
Read MoreLord, I look up to you to restore the years that I sowed in tears. Let the sowing I have done in your kingdom germinate great harvest in my life, this year, inRead More
Thank you Lord for spreading the umbrella of grace over my family and I, to avert the disgrace that the enemy has targeted against us, in JESUS NAME.
Read MoreFather, thank you for prolonging my life with perfect health to enjoy the abundant life you have given me in all seasons, in JESUS NAME.
Read MoreWith you on my boat Lord, I do not care how large or huge the storm is, it will calm and I will not sink but sing at last, in Jesus Name
Read MoreGod makes everything beautiful in His time. He has begun it, and He will complete it. Lord, I receive the grace to wait patiently for You to complete this miracle in Your time,Read More
Lord, I thank you for the helpers you have sent into my life that have been faithful all these years. LORD, PROVIDE FOR THEM AND PROTECT FROM ALL EVIL, IN JESUS NAME
Read MoreThank you father for liberating me from the power of lack and scarcity.
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