- Gen. 20:18. God closed the source of procreation of Abimelech family. He closed the womb of his household; his servants, female children, wives and staff because he had possession of Abram’s property. Anyone in possession of my property, I close your source of multiplication and increase now in the name of Jesus Christ. You can only be delivered when you return my possessions in your hand, in the Mighty name of Jesus Christ.
- Isa. 7:14, Matt.26:21 “Behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son”. “One among of you shall betray me…” These are prophetic declarations. There was no mention of the names of those who will yield themselves to bring the prophecies to pass. There are wicked powers that make men fulfill negative declaration of forces of darkness on earth. Witches and wizards can kill a man in the realms of the spirit and manipulate you to bring it to pass physically. Say God forbid! O Lord, let every wicked power waiting to manipulate me to fulfill negative prophesy scatter, in the Mighty name of Jesus Christ. Lord, cause me to always fulfill positive prophesy just as Mary did, in the name of Jesus Christ.
- Matt. 13:3-8. A man left home to sow seeds (blessings) in a good soil (into your life). On his way, some fell into the wrong soil (other peoples’ hands). He finally didn’t sow the much he wanted to sow into the soil. Some people will leave home to bless you with some goods. The wicked powers working against your progress will sponsor people to on their way and they will give some of those goods to these people and end up giving less than they intended to give. You wicked powers that make men give less than they intend to give me, expire now in the Mighty name of Jesus.
After prayers, thank God in advance for answers.
Don’t say “Amen” and rush off. Wait for any instruction that is relevant to your answers from God.
Be in expectation of your answers, in words and in action.
If you are led by the spirit to give a seed faith for your prayers, don’t hesitate.
Yours in His vineyard,
Gladys Malachi.
I come against the power of manipulative idiosyncrasies and half measures in my life in Jesus name. Amen 🙏
Win win win and win all way round for me and family and Jesus Christ name