Read and share: FROM FRUSTRATION TO SATISFACTION-You are the next in line

By the invitation of a neigbour, I came into Oasis of Fulfilment Ministry, a frustrated woman without a child, without a job and a husband without a job.
I will not bore you with places I have been. I returned worse than I went.
I sat there listening to a message “God will turn your Frustration to Satisfaction” Something just left me and l felt very light.
My spirit was lifted and I made up my mind to stop going here and there and settle in Oasis.
I went to see mama for counseling. After relating my ordeal, she said I should trust God and serve him faithfully and she said, she can see my three children. She said that God will give my husband and I, very good jobs.
I want to thank God for not allowing the words of mama to fall to the ground concerning my family. The transformation in our lives is one of the evidences that God called her.
Within six years, I have three children after ten years of infertility, a very good job and my husband has a very good job.
I don’t know how to thank God for turning my frustration to satisfaction.
My mama for life, may God increase you more and more and make you to reap the fruit of your labour, in Jesus Name.
Mrs A.K
I am an overcomer in the name of Jesus Christ. No power can take nor hinder my testimonies in Jesus Christ name. Shame and disgrace is the portion of everyone contending to be me shame and disgrace in Jesus Christ name
Alleluia Alleuia Alleuia Lord has turn my morning to dancing Amen
How marvelous God is! Who can fathom His Goodness and Love?
Mama Malachi is a woman anointed by God for His work, to heal, deliver the oppressed and restore.
I will Praise our Lord God Almighty, the one whose name is Jah, all the days of my life.
My Lord is Bigger than all my problems, Bigger than anything.
My Lord is Bigger than any mountain, I can or cannot see.