After suffering for a long time, I want to see a Pastor who gave me holy water of prosperity. I use the water drink garri make God really understand say my suffering don
A lot of us are going through deception and destruction because we do not know the truth.Jn 8:32And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. Hos 4:6aMy people
Glorious Everlasting God, I stand upon the authority in the Name of Jesus and shut the mouths of those gossiping and speaking evil against my family and I. Those that are falsely accusing
My father and my God, this lack and want is dragging me backward, bring it to an end by connecting me to great personalities that will change my status, in Jesus Name.
Ancient of days, as I congratulated people last month and gave you glory for what you did for them, remember my family and I, for good this month and do something in our
I came was in church when Mama Malachi preached a message titled “power breakers” on 31/7/2022. After the message, Mama called for those in pain to come to the altar for prayers. I
My Father, I shed tears of sorrow during my sowing times, let the abundant harvest you are bringing my way this month, bring tears of joy and celebration to my household, in Jesus
Lord, you called Joseph, Saul and David and promoted them. Let my call unto promotion and settlement manifest before the close of this month, in Jesus Name
A group of men gathered at a church conference on how to live in a loving relationship with their wives. The men were asked, “How many of you love your wife ?” All
My Glorious Everlasting, thank you for all you have put in place for me to find favour this month and exit the month better and greater than I entered. Take glory Lord, in