20th NOV
- Eze 21:21. For the king of Babylon stood at the head of two ways to use divination…” Every divination and declaration made against my life by wicked men and women at second junction, third junction, four junction, five junction etc that has rendered me useless in life, expire in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
- Job 1:6. When the sons of God presented themselves unto God for blessing and lifting, Satan came also among them. There are some negative pronouncements waiting to manifest in a man’s next level of life e.g. after marriage, after graduation, after building that house, after buying that car etc. A witch once confessed that her senior sister will die at the delivery of her second child. When she confessed, it was cancelled in the name of Jesus. Today, the senior sister has five children. Shout it O Lord, by your authority, I command every wicked negative pronouncement waiting to manifest after my marriage, graduation, laying foundation of my house, at the delivery of my child, at completion of my house, to expire, in the Mighty name of Jesus Christ.
- Ps 125;3 For the rod of the wicked shall not rest upon the lot of the righteous. Why do brethren go to native doctor, steal, lie etc? the rod of the wicked! Every rod of the wicked on my life, I pull you down now by the power in the Holy Ghost, in the Mighty name of Jesus Christ.
After prayers, thank God in advance for answers.
Don’t say “Amen” and rush off. Wait for any instruction that is relevant to your answers from God.
Be in expectation of your answers, in words and in action.
If you are led by the spirit to give a seed faith for your prayers, don’t hesitate.
Yours in His vineyard,
Gladys Malachi.
I receive grace for fulfillment this week and beyond. Amen 🙏🙏🙏
Amen!!!! Thank you Jesus