23 October
- Jer. 15:3. I will appoint unto them four destroyers. Swords, dogs, fowls, beast, to slay, tear, devour and destroy. Whoever has yielded himself or herself to continually sponsor wickedness in my life, I release these four destroyers into your life now, in the name of Jesus Christ.
- Gen. 38:7 – 10. Er and Onan were wicked. They didn’t need the semen yet they didn’t want another to use it. Instead of using the semen to raise children for their late brother, they wasted it. There are people who do not need that thing that you want or you are pursuing, yet they will not want you to have it. Some wicked people will even make some demonic statement e.g “instead of you to have it I will destroy it”. Say, Lord, I separate my life and destiny from such wicked people, in the glorious name of Jesus Christ.
- Dan 5:29– 30. There are wicked powers on assignment killing our assistants and helpers before and after helping us. We must stop their activities. I decree today that, sickness, setback, frustration and death will not locate my helpers, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. O Lord, hide my helpers, and my assistants in the hollow of your hands in Jesus majestic name.
After prayers, thank God in advance for answers.
Don’t say “Amen” and rush off. Wait for any instruction that is relevant to your answers from God.
Be in expectation of your answers, in words and in action.
If you are led by the spirit to give a seed faith for your prayers, don’t hesitate.
Yours in His vineyard,
Gladys Malachi.
God help us to follow your instructions and give us the spirit of thanks
Oh lord god remove wasters, wickedness of the wicked and locate my helpers in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen 🙏
Amen Amen Amen in Jesus name
Good news good news and good news all through the week and n Jesus name