Click on the blog to read and share this TESTIMONY: MY FIBROID DROPPED OUT WITHOUT SURGERY! You are next in line.
I came was in church when Mama Malachi preached a message titled “power breakers” on 31/7/2022. After the message, Mama called for those in pain to come to the altar for prayers. I could not lift myself to come out because the pain was so severe that morning. I just struggled to come to church. I received my prayers on my chair with so much faith that I will testify.
I have been diagnosed with uterine fibroid and the doctors said, it can only be removed by surgery. My family and I have been saving money for the surgery.
The same week, I went to my brother’s shop. While I was seated, I felt a strong pushing in my lower abdomen. I took a bucket and was urinating in the bucket when a huge flesh came out of my vagina. To my greatest surprise, it was the fibroid. My swollen pelvis has become flat.
The God of Oasis, the God of Mama and Papa Malachi has operated on me without payment!
I am free from fibroid. Glory, praise and thanksgiving be to God Almighty!
Thank you Mama and Papa for yielding to the call of God to deliver people
Sister Iwuji Gift
Hallelujah God let come and testify too for me and my family.
Glory to God 🙌…Power breaker,visit me and my family today in Jesus Name Amen
Praise God for healing mercies Amen 🙏
This God is awesome God Halleuia Amen
Hallelujah.. Glory be to God Almighty….