MIND-BLOWING TESTIMONY. You are next in line.

My name is Sis Tope.I live in the US.I was introduced to Mama Malachi on May,2022.I called her concerning my issues. Mama asked me to move out of where I was living because it is filled with darkness and move to sunshine to enable my glory to shine .
With faith,I looked for an apartment.Mama asked me for the location,I told her and she prayed and gave her approval that it is the right location Truly,I was approved for the apartment.
I was worried about how I will move with my two young children.
Then as usual,Our great God showed up for me again ,a member of my church,an aged woman sent her Son ,her grandson and two church members to come and assist me move my things .They were already waiting for at home because I went to pick my kids from school.I rented a U-Haul.They also came with their Hilux.I was speechless.These are white people.
They did not only assist with packing things into the rented U-Haul,they also used their Hilux as well.There after they went ahead to my apartment and assisted to off load everything into my apartment.My friend’s brother that came to assist too was just asking me saying Aunty” where did you know all these people?”.I told him favor found me!!! All these was on Friday.
By Saturday,the woman from my church,now I call her Grandma,called me to make a list of all that we will be needing in the apartment.I sent her the lists and she gave me everything for my kitchen(new plates,pots,kettle,cups,spoons,etc).
On Sunday,I had a zoom meeting with Mama Malachi,she asked about the house and I told her about how God used grandma.Mama,said it’s the beginning that it’s not only one person that God will use but multiple people.I received this prophesy with faith.
By Monday morning,someone knocked on my door , on opening I saw 6 white people with grandma,they brought new mattress, microwave,dinning table,reading table,table clothes,foot mats, bathroom curtain shower, home telephone,television,mirrors towels , bookshelf, bathroom items ,food etc.They also brought comforters,bedsheets,pillow cases and all necessary things required to make life comfortable for us.In addition they gave me cash to buy the type of food that I and my kids like since we are African.
They also arranged the entire apartment and put everything where it is supposed to be.O was speechless!!!
Hmmm!!! I.am Still overwhelmed with gratitude to God and Mama Malachi.
God will continue to bless you Ma’am.I appreciate you greatly and pray for more anointing.
Sis Topsy USA
God is awesome. God bless you Mummy more Grace.
Amen mama 🙏
More testimony will continue to follow us in Jesus Christ name
We will continue to testify
More testimony will continue to follow us in Jesus Christ name
Amen, I key into this testimony for myself, family,friends for we are next in line for the miracles
Our God is awesome Amen 🙏
Hallelujah! I am next in line for uncommon favour.🙏
Wow! Only God’s Grace moves like this.
Praise Almighty God for this miracle.
May God answer my prayer in a similar way in Jesus Name.
Our God is too faithfaithful..May God replenish you on all sides mummy